Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hockey Good Time!

This week’s blog writers are Bailey and Emma. We will be telling you about the hockey good times. (A Hockey good time is the caption above this blog). Well while we were playing hockey we got a little hurt but now we're ok. Also if you look at the flicker program you will find a few pictures of the hockey game. Now happy Halloween to all those fans and heres Emma. Hi im Emma so what are you being for Halloween? Im being a mad scientist mahah.

This weeks blog writer is Madison. I will be talking about moving. This week will be moving to Kamloops for the rest of the year hopefully I will be here next year, maybe. I’m going to miss this good Cayoosh Elementary!!! And especially all the good teachers!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see you all next year going to miss you all!!!!!!!

This is Stu here, i just got back from Kelowna. I had a fun trip there. At night I stayed in a hotel.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Kidz News

Hi this weeks blog writers are Bailey and Emma. We are going to write about the Cayoosh Kids Newz. Well yesterday we did the first ever to be alive Cayoosh kids Newz. It was really embarrassing. It looked like the news was horrible. It was so fun we got a little laughs in with it so it was funny. Mr. Oakes has to be the funniest man alive. And also Mr. Oakes gave us a piece of jewelry all the way from New Zealand. Mr. Oakes said that the Cayoosh kids Newz could beat the world’s best teacher (that is another funny film).


Hey, we’re the blog writers C and S and were supposed to tell about our classroom. We are working on a project on mosquito’s lives; we are probably going to dissect some of them. S has a friend mosquito named spider bug .. We just got out of an assembly I took the camera in the assembly. I took great pictures mr.Oakes was a great teacher for teaching me how to us a camera so that was easy to do. At lunch we were playing four square and then basketball. Cs favorite thing to do is biking he likes to take big jumps. My favorite thing is haunted ghost books.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Guided Reading

This weeks blog writers are Toni and Madison. This week we are talking about our new student. Her name is Shyla she is very nice and does not talk a lot. She made a lot of friends . I think she is in joying her time here. Now I’m going to talk about my guided reading group. In my group there are 3 boys and 3 girls. The boys are Conner, Jake and Stewart the girls are Shyla, Madison and Katie. The book we are reading is Rescue at Red Rock this is a good book. Now here is Toni! In my guided reading group we are reading buried in ice. It is a very good book. It’s about these people get stuck in the arctic. And in the middle of the book a guy dies from food poisons but he was sick already it just made him more sick. We haven’t finished it yet we won't be able to finish it because we are switching groups tomorrow. There is a thing where the higher grade kids can play soccer every recess. In art we did a fire fly.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Hey this weeks blog writers are Bailey and Genna. This week we will be talking about friends and their friendship. Well like I was saying talking about
Friends. I say if you don’t have friends than your life will be miserable. Right? The best kind of friendship is the friendship that cares.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wildlife Photographs

This week’s blog writer is Madison. This week I’m writing about Rosie that is are pet tarantula. She is really
big. Rosie still has her fangs and her poison. She is 5
years old in human and 20 in spider years. Now I’m going to talk about the world puzzle. We have this big puzzle that has Australia, Alaska Brazil, North America, U.S.A, Europe, Greenland and Japan there is a lot more but it would take all day to write them. I like to work on the puzzle as well as everybody else. Yesterday the class had buddy reading and we had lots of fun. We have a bull skull we call it THE BONE HEAD!!! What we do with the bone head is we changle another to a game of baseball or something like that and if we win we keep the bone head or if we lose we give the bone head to who ever we changed it is like a trophy. We have not been able to changle anybody yet but I hope we will changle someone soon!!! Today it is October 10 2007 and it is picture day I don’t really like getting my picture at all I don’t think anybody else likes picture taken eather. Now I am going to talk about Hurricane Gerttie . She was assume the school wishes that she will come back some time soon. The best part was when she was sleeping on some teachers that was so funny I loved that part!!! I took a lot of pictures. I have a friend named Genna she is not aloud type with me that sucks!! We have a couple of new teachers. They both teach kindertan that is cool. There is 28 students in my class that is a lot. Today we had guided reading we are reading wildlife photography. It is about a wildlife photographer.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Owls in the Family

Hurricane Gertie
This weeks blog writes are Madison ,Bailey and Genna. This week we are reading about a book that’s called ‘Owls in the family’. It is all about different owls In the family. Hi my name is Genna. I am one of the blog writers. This book is really good! So far I love it. I like it because it’s about a owl and her 3 baby owlets. The characters names are, Billy ,Mr.Miller and Bruce. Bruce and his friend Billy soon discover a baby owl’s nest and tell, Mr.Miller. When Billy rescues two young orphaned great horned owls and takes, them home ,he has no idea what he’s in for. Also Farley Mowat , is the best-selling author of over thirty-five books, including ‘lost in the Barrens,Never cry wolf, the dog who wouldn’t be , and the boat who wouldn’t float. Wol and weeps were real owls who lived with the mowat family in Saskatchewan. That’s all I can really say about Owls in the family. But one more thing, I hope you get to read this one day. It’s really good!!!